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  • Electric shepherd composed of a battery emitting pulses for the bird-deterrent system.
  • Einfaches Aufladen mit Solarmodul. 12V output for the system, completely harmless for birds and human contact.
  • Up to 250 linear meters of coverage.
  • Four separate channels for better coverage of the area and to enable installation errors to be located instantly.
  • A warning light illuminates if there are any signal or other problems with a strip.




  • Very easy to install anywhere.
  • Place the control unit in a location that is sheltered from the elements.
  • Run the cable from each pole (red and black) to each bird-deterrent strip.

Elektrisches Solarmodul für Vogelabwehrsysteme

0,01 €Preis
inkl. MwSt.


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    Lieferzeit 1-3 Tage (DHL)

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